Key Concept 3
Assessment with Technology

3.1 Candidates will be able to apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.
3.2 Candidates will be able to use technology to collect assessment data, analyze it, and improve student learning.
3.3 Candidates will be able to use technology to communicate assessment data with others.
ET 680 Assessment Project
In ET 680, Role of the Technology Leader, we explored using technology to collect, analyze, interpret, and communicate assessment data. My project consisted of a Google Slide presentation that collected data and analyzed 4th marking period grades of four different math courses. Grades for individual students in each class were listed with graphical analysis viewed through bar graphs. Comparisons were made between the first time and repeat students for Math 8/7 and Algebra 1. Interpretation of the data, the role of technology, recommendations, and implications were provided to help teachers plan for ways teaching and learning could be improved. Providing the results to administrative staff at the end of the school year allowed enough time during the summer months for modifications to be made in the structure of these classes.
Throughout the school year, I continuously assess and evaluate student progress with a variety of technology resources and tools. Many of the tools such as TpT Digital Access, EDpuzzle, and Quizlet can be integrated with Google Classroom. Within the Google Suite tools, I also use Forms and Docs to evaluate student progress. Student grades are posted in Google Classroom as well as in Orbund, the grading system that New Hope uses. Students and parents can monitor student progress easily and whenever it is convenient for them.
Class Comparison

Assessment through TpT Digital Activities

Assessment through EDpuzzle

Assessment with Google Forms