Key Concept 7
Technology Integration Models and Technical Tasks

7.1 Candidates will be able to apply models of technology in school (such as SAMR, TPACK, and/or TIM) to incorporate technology tools to improve teaching and learning.
ET 605 Professional Learning Project
In ET 605, Introduction to Educational Technology we were introduced to the SAMR, TPACK, TIM, and LoTI frameworks. For my project, I designed a professional learning activity for teachers introducing the TPACK framework and Symbaloo, an online bookmark application for storing web links. In the presentation, I laid out the steps for teachers to use TPACK in lesson planning when integrating technology into the classroom to improve student outcomes. The PD included three separate lesson plans for 1st, 2nd/3rd, and 4th/5th grade classes which required students to conduct research. Using Symbaloo to store specific web links lets the teachers choose which sites their students could access for information, alleviating the potential access to inappropriate sites. Using this technology was a better option for the students as well since there were a limited amount of books available to them.
7.2 Candidates will be able to demonstrate the ability to tackle challenging technical tasks.
ET 691 Internship
In ET 691, Educational Technology Internship, we explored best practices in creating our internship at our school/district. In March 2020 when schools were closed due to COVID 19, I was prepared to develop a plan for New Hope to deliver distance learning due to the training that I had received from Loyola’s Educational Technology Masters program. Stepping into a leadership role, I was able to provide a technological solution to the principal that would allow the school to remain operational. Without the ability to implement distance learning, the school would have been forced to close. A few of the school districts in the area sent packets home to their students and eventually offered online instruction once or twice a week. Because of my PLN, I had anticipated the closing and New Hope only missed two days of school due to teacher training. The schedule put in place provides a full day of synchronous lessons, including specialty classes, electives, meditation, character education, advisory groups, and group discussions on various topics for the high school students. The distance learning program I initiated turned into my Internship program.