Key Concept 10
Critical Perspectives
10.1 Candidates will be able to understand the pros and cons of technology from a variety of critical perspectives and apply that understanding to evaluating current and potential technology in schools and society.
10.2 Candidates will be able to demonstrate how technology can be used to empower some and disempower others in schools.
ED 609 Technoethics Project
In ED 609, Social Justice and Educational Technology, we analyzed technoethical issues surrounding the use of different technologies in our schools, districts, and nationally and interrogated the unjust social structures that will be exacerbated and mitigated by the technology integration. Working with three peers from my cohort, we created a slide presentation on Google Meet. The first stage of this project was to analyze Google Meet using the different lenses of technoethics for justice and identify inequalities in the technology and in society that would complicate a just implementation. It was in this stage where a digital learning gap was evident with students without internet access or a computer could not access instruction through Google Meet. The second stage was to create an advocacy and action plan to address the injustices. Lastly, the third stage was to begin a preliminary implementation of the plan and reflect on it.
10.3 Candidates will be able to use critical frameworks to think about the value of specific technologies.
ED 609 Technoethics for Social Justice
In ED 609, Social Justice and Educational Technology, we explored using critical frameworks to analyze a specific technology to determine whether a school should or should not adopt its use. Working with three peers from my cohort, we analyzed Class Dojo using the different lenses of technoethics for social justice. Due to the issues concerning the behavior point system and the social media aspect, I made the determination that I would not recommend the use of Class Dojo at my school.